Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A lot has happened
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
First post in a long time
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Yea work
Arthur Schopenhauer, a famous German philosopher, once said that "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits targets no one else can see." Google Wave came out of the blue for me and it makes the developers of the product and Google look brilliant. This Wave is going to revolutionize the way people communicate with each other over the internet. This product has too many features for me to list, I just suggest that you guys check it out when you get a chance.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Paper airplanes
Well anyway, about an hour after lunch we had a scheduled break time. Students can't focus very well after lunch so this these breaks are crucial to keeping kids from screaming and yelling and fighting. One of the kids started making paper airplanes while I and another teacher were playing dinosaur Bingo with a few other students. In the middle of the game a paper airplane flies across the classroom and whacks me in the head. It hit me so hard it actually made a mark on my cheek. He picked it up and threw it again and it smashed against the chalkboard at the other end of the room. The airplane barely lost any elevation during its flight. We went into the hallway and he threw the airplane again and it went at least 50 feet before it dropped.
This is particularly humbling for me because I am notoriously bad at constructing paper airplanes. If the planes I construct go forward then it is an achievement for me. However, what is even more humbling is that I have participated in ad hoc paper airplane contests with fellow aerospace engineering college students and our paper airplanes fell woefully short of paper airplanes of a elementary student with special educations needs.
There was an awesome commercial created by Will Farrell and a few other comedians that sarcastically denounced health care reform because it would hurt insurance executives.
Wendell Potter, an insurance company executive, revealed some of the underhanded efforts taken by this former employer to kill meaningful health care reform. It is absurd to me that many people have protested health care reform when insurance company executives are the overwhelming beneficiary of the status quo. Hopefully, the comedic prowess of Will Farrell and other comedians can convince people of the merits of reform.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Pefect Blossom
During dinner we met a couple that sat next to us who shared our hatred for Dallas and Virginia Tech. They have been dating for the last 6 years so naturally my mother asked the gentleman in front of his date when they were going to get married. The poor guy looked like someone pantsed him during a joint session of Congress.
Back at home we watched the Cowboys lose to the Giants in dramatic fashion. It must have been heart breaking for the Cowboys' fans. This idea brings me a lot of personal joy.
This was a great weekend but next weekend I want a perfect blossom.
I saw Minority Report and The Last Samauri this weekend and I was pleasantly reminded of Tom Cruise's acting ability. I know that he isn't the most well liked person in the world. His Scientology beliefs don't really help his cause at all but he is a great actor. Those movies are seriously under-rated as well. In the age of sequels Minority Report would have been a prime candidate. It was actually probably a little advanced for its time.
I am a sucker for sci-fi flicks so naturally I am looking forward to Surrogates coming out in theaters next weekend. Is there a better combination than Bruce Willis, Action, and robots?... I think not.
This football weekend came really close to being the "perfect blossom" for which I have been searching for years. For those unfamiliar with the inner workings of my mind, the provided the conditions for a perfect blossom below.
Redskins win
Cowboys lose
Patriots lose
Georgia Tech wins
UGA loses
ND loses
USC loses
On top of these conditions I must win all of my fantasy football games for the weekend. Here is how I did this week.
Redskins win
Cowboys lose
Patriots lose
Georgia Tech loses
UGA wins
ND lose
USC lose
Currently, I am winning in all three of my fantasy leagues. In one league I have already won and in the other two I have substantial leads going into Monday. We were really close this weekend and even though we didn't quite achieve the blossom, it was very satisfying watching the Cowboys lose a heart-breaker in their home opener in the new stadium. Jerry Jones looked pissed and Wade Phillips looked like someone stole his cookies. Today was a good day.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Upsets that weren't and risky behavior
I was reminded during the wine festival of the 8th grade health class I substituted for on Friday. There was a surprising number of people who appeared inebriated. To be fair most of the drinkers were responsible and seemed to be enjoying what appears to be a successful Virginia wine region. It is amazing how some people manage to turn any event with alcohol involved into an excuse to relive their college days and the fraternity.
When I asked the students if any of them expected to drink alcohol in high school, all of them kept their hands down. I am doubtful though it seems like the culture of alcohol abuse has a stronghold on our society. It is almost a rite of passage for teenagers.
I watching the Mayweather fight tonight was like drinking lukewarm water. Mayweather won the fight but he was hardly impressive. He came into the fight overweight and it clearly gave him an advantage in the fight. Despite the weight difference he was unable to knockout Juan Marquez. In fact Juan Marquez didn't even look like he was in a fight afterwards. Mayweather's punching power is extremely suspect to me.
What really bothers me are the reasons Mayweather picked the fight.
First, it was a fight he knew he would win. He fought an undersized brawler that was older and slower than he was. Styles make fights and Mayweather's style bodes very well against brawlers especially in this case because Mayweather was 10-15 pounds heavier than Marquez.
Second, Mayweather knew that if he won this fight it would provide an example where he could compare favorably to Manny Pacquiao. Pacquiao beat Ricky Hatton and Oscar Del a Hoya in much more impressive fashion than Mayweather and that presents a chink in the armor of Mayweather's legacy.
Third, These kind of fights can start an arms race or a cold war. By this I mean that Pacquiao and Mosely will both try to increase their profiles by fighting lesser fighters so that they can earn more money at the negotiating table.
Fourth, Mayweather is a coward. We have known for years that the best fighters in Mayweather's weight range are Mosely and Pacquiao yet whenever you mention those names to Mayweather he gets defensive. There have been several instances where reporters have been verbally attacked by Mayweather when they ask him why he won't take a fight with Mosely or Pacquiao. I think he is afraid of them personally. I think he knows that they can beat him. Mayweather doesn't take unnecessary risks in or out of the ring.
The ball is in his court though. He is still undefeated and he has his legacy to back him up. As long as he is calling the shots the fans will never see the fight that everyone wants to see. We need to back Pacquiao and Mosely and force Mayweather to defend his legacy by fighting the best fighters.
Ali fought the best boxers out there. He did not try to avoid any opponent no matter how tough they were. Mayweather maybe pound for pound the best fighter out there but his name will never be mentioned among the great ones unless he mans up and fights Mosely or Pacquiao.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Fading embers and google threesomes
I saw City of Ember tonight and was thoroughly disappointed. I feel like City of Ember could have had a much larger scope but in their attempt to gear it towards children they dumbed it down. The ending was also sort of open-ended... almost as if they were expecting to make a sequel.
I also watched speed again. It has been a few years since I have seen it. It reminded me that you can be a terrible actor and still be a good action movie star.
Unfortunately, right now I am watching the Governor of California as Mr. Freeze in Batman and Robin. I would be lying if I told you that I didn't want to kick Joel Schumacher in the nuts for what he did to the Batman franchise. Some of the dialog between Batman and Robin reeks of homo-erotic undertones and the nipples on the leather suits are just too much. Every other line is a terrible reference to cold or heat for example "The heat is on" or "Tonight, hell freezes over."
I guess it isn't really Schumacher's fault. He knows that a superhero is supposed to be the quintessential example of virility and masculinity. To Schumacher that translates to the cheesy, emotionally thick, and over-sexualized Batman that we saw in the movie.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Fantasy football and Jimmy Carter
Saturday, September 12, 2009
soul splitting action
Since Space Odyssey 2001 many movies have taken advantage of the amazing impact HAL 9000 had on movie audiences 40 years ago. Recently many movies have given their evil robots the same cold single red eye that HAL had possessed. I think this really speaks to the ability of Sydney Pollack's remarkably effective creativity.
Last night I saw 9, the movie about the poorly sown, hand puppet looking creatures fighting mysterious looking evil machines. In the movie, mankind is annihilated by the evil machines who turn on their creators a la the machines in the Terminator. The scientist that created the master machine with the big red eye split his soul into 9 parts and put them in the puppets.
This afternoon, I saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for the first time. I have read the book so I am not unfamiliar with the plot line but I thought that it was interesting that both 9 and Half-Blood Prince both had plot elements dealing with the splitting of ones soul being split.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Rubik's cube solve
Friday, September 4, 2009
Movies that matter
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Terrible Town Hall madness and surpise endings
Town Hall Timeline
6:20 pm I found a parking space, parked the car and started walking towards the school.
6:50 pm There was a long line to get in. Interns were screening people to make sure that everyone was in Jim Moran’s district. Various organizations from both sides were handing out propaganda. People were holding up signs for and against health care. Organizing for America was handing out signs to supporters of health care reform. The signs said “Health Care reform now” on one side and “Thank You” on the other.
7:00 pm I got inside the town hall and took a seat. It was a packed high school gym. It was a little hot on the floor and a little cool in the bleachers. There were a ton of cameras. Fox News, CNN, and a local TV station were at the town hall. There was a 20 foot projector screen set up and fold up chairs on the floor of the gym facing an elevated stage with a podium and a long table with chairs beside it.
7:05 pm Jim Moran and Howard Dean walk into jeers and cheers. It takes the crowd a while to settle down. Jim Moran sets some basic ground rules and receives some jeers and cheers. A rabbi was asked to pray and during the prayer there are jeers and cheers.
7:15 pm Jim Moran outlined the itinerary for the town hall. More jeers and cheers.
7:30 pm Jim Moran went over a list of 11 “Myths of Health Care Reform.” Describes many myths of reform and where in the bill they originated and what the bill really says.
8:15 pm Jim Moran introduces Howard Dean. Cheering and Jeering continues for about 7 or 8 minutes. People get on chairs and start shouting and screaming at Howard Dean, Jim Moran, and at each other. An anti-abortion activist stands on a chair and starts yelling insults and chants at the top of his lungs and this prohibits Jim Moran from proceeding with the Town Hall. A few of his followers and a health care reform supporter start shoving each other behind him. Jim Moran offers the activist the opportunity to speak for 5 minutes if he calms down but he refuses. Security escorts him out and the cameras follow him.
8:30 pm Howard Dean gives a brief statement during which there are loud jeers and cheers. Jim Moran explains the rules for the Q&A session. Questions that the town hall participants submitted when they were in line have been separated into boxes. One box is for questions from people who support reform and the other is from people who don’t support reform.
Jim Moran alternates boxes when he selects the questions. Jim Moran reads the beginning of the question and the name of the questioner then he asks the questioner to come to the microphone and finish their question. It starts off well but some anti-reformers start impersonating questioners and the crowd erupts into jeers and shouts. After about an hour of Q&A I leave the town hall.
A lot of the shouts were coming from the same people. Whenever it got quiet a few people just start shouting "catchphrases"
Here are some of the shouts I heard:
"Don't tread on me"
"No Communism"
"God will save America"
"Serve the constitution"
"Fire Pelosi"
"Tell that to Pelosi"
"Cut Taxes"
"Read the bill" (This is the one most often chanted, even after Jim Moran read the bill)
"You don't pay for it"
"Bull shit"
"Jim Moran Sucks"
"Medicare Sucks"
"Fuck You" (accompanied by double fisted birds)
and my personal favorite "Go Skins"
The sad part is that there were some great questions that were asked about Medicare and Tort reform but the hecklers managed to instigate a shouting match with the health care supporters and I don't think that anyone was able to hear Howard Dean's responses.
Here are some questions I heard and the answer that Howard Dean gave to the questions:
Q:How can we achieve universal health care without a public option?
Dean's answer : Only two countries in the world have universal health care without the government providing insurance. The countries are Switzerland and the Netherlands. They accomplish this by regulating health care like a common good, like water or electricity. They cap CEO salaries and cap the amount of money a person can spend on health care. They require all citizens to get health care.
Q: A lot of people believe that tort reform is the best way to reduce health care costs, why is there no tort reform in H.R. 3200?
Dean's answer: Because the trial lawyers would fight it and the bill already has too many enemies (Shockingly honest). He then suggested a compromise where the government would research and establish a National Advisory that would set a universal standard for medical practice. Then he went into a very detailed legal process through which doctors accused of malpractice would go through. He said that the people in congress he has presented the plan to did not like it.
Overall, it was an enlightening experience but it left me very discouraged about any future prospects for civil discourse on critical issues. Most people came to the town hall with their minds made up and they were primarily there to scream and yell in front of the TV cameras. The crowd was about 60-40 in favor of supporters but it only took a few anti-health care people to incite a screaming match with those in favor of reform.
I don't know why these Congressmen put up with the ruckus. Jim Moran set up good rules for the audience to follow but the rules weren't enforced when people broke them and that just led to chaos. The police should have the authority to escort hecklers out of town halls when they are being disruptive.
I am going to another town hall on the September 2nd and hopefully this one will be a little more civil but I am not hopeful. It is in a district that is much more evenly divided than my district which is more liberal ( I am going to use an old address to get in). I would like to see some progress on this debate because health care is an important issue. If you made it this far then you must really love me.
I forgot how amazingly well Lucas made Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I watched it tonight with my Dad and I noticed something about the ending that I didn't catch before.
There is a scene where both Anakin and Padme are receiving medical treatment for life threatening conditions. There are some obvious similarities between there state of beings, for instance, their conditions were brought about by unnatural circumstances and they were caused by people that were close to them.
What I didn't notice was that they were both birth and death scenes. With Padme it is easy to see Luke and Leigh were born and Padme died but with Vader it is a little more subtle. For one Lucas positions Anakin with his legs spread as if he is giving birth. He also cuts away from scenes of Anakin screaming in pain as his mechanical parts are being assembled to scenes of Padme screaming as she delivers the twins. He also cuts from the scene of Padme naming the twins and then subsequently dying to the scene where Vader puts on his infamous mask.
Contrary to what I previously surmised, Lucas defines this moment as the point where Anakin Skywalker dies and Darth Vader is born. The entire process of healing Vader looks more like someone fixing a car than it does someone being healed. He has become a machine and has lost all of his humanity and that is the biggest difference between Anakin and Vader.
Okay yea that was a bit too much thinking about Star Wars but I love the series and I love the how George Lucas uses extraordinary visuals devices scene to explore and express his view of the human condition and social order.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Low cost entertainment
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Weekend Update
Friday, August 21, 2009
A new approach
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Town halls, cheetahs, and fantasy madness