This health care debate is becoming irritating. Right now I am sort of fed up with of all the people involved.

I am angry with the GOP for not doing anything.
I am sick of the Democrats inability to unify under a single plan.
I am disappointed the President hasn't been more hands on in shaping the bill.
I am disgusted by the idiots protesting at town halls who aren't interested in civil discourse.
With that being said health care reform is too important of an issue to ignore. Health care costs are rising and the future doesn't look bright. Reform is necessary, we can't ignore it.
I am going to a town hall meeting next month and I am going and I am going to record the debate if they let me. I am really hoping that the protesters allow the town hall to become a debate and not a shouting match. Hopefully I can post something that enlightens the debate and
debunks some of the bad information.

I just watched Usain "lightning" Bolt obliterate the world record in the 200m and I am convinced he is either a gazelle or an alien. His last 5 races have all been world records. Seriously people, he maybe the best short distance runner of all time. Apparently through his sponsors he gets 100,000 dollars for every record he breaks, which pretty much sucks for anyone he is racing against. Right now he doesn't look beatable.
My friend Andrew just discovered fantasy college football today. Needless to say, I officially have all my Saturday and Sunday afternoons booked until next year. We limited the draft pool to the BCS teams which should keep things semi-sane.
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