Monday, August 24, 2009

Low cost entertainment

The weather today was beautiful so I took a long walk to try and capture some of it. Walking is a great way to relax. In college I took them when I was overworked and stressed out. Now I take walks to develop and ponder various ideas.

One thing I noticed today was that there were a lot more people walking than I expected. The walkers seemed to mostly be couples talking, exploring, and growing together, a sight that evokes sweet envy to onlookers. I began to wonder if the recession reason for the increase in walkers. Hey, If the economic downturn does nothing other than draw us closer to our loved ones then it has been the blessing we all need.

Bush goes on vacation after 41% of the time during his first 6 months in office and no one cares.
Barack Obama goes on a week vacation after 6 months in office and all of the sudden he is elitist and insensitive.

In the first six months of his presidency Barack Obama has:
Signed the Stimulus Bill into law and stabilized the economy.
Stabilized the financial sector through TARP.
Signed into law a credit card owners bill of rights.
Closed Guantanamo Bay.
Initiated Health Care reform.
Began the process of rebuilding American support abroad.

I think that if the man wants to take a week long vacation with is family and friends that it is well deserved.

I still haven't seen Inglorious Basterds yet. I should have seen it last weekend but I was still in that movie watching funk. I did watch the end of Phantom Menace today with my Dad. He told me he had a bad feeling about the Star Wars franchise because when he was younger he went to see Star Wars: A New Hope in theaters and he got pickpocketed. How awesome an experience that would have been to see experience the novelty of a movie epic. Star Wars is literally the Citizen Kane of the latter half of the 20th century.

That generational disconnect reminded me of a moment when I was substitute teaching and I referenced Macaualy Culkin and none of the students knew who he was. I learned that most of the students had not heard of cassette tapes and floppy disks.

I am getting old...

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