Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Terrible Town Hall madness and surpise endings

Today my father registered for classes and attended his first class today. He is studying a field called Geographic Information Systems. He was a cartographer in the Marine Corps so it is a field he is familiar with to some degree. His ultimate goal is to get a college degree and this is the first step. My family and I are praying for his success, he has worked very hard for the family and it is time for him to pursue his dreams.

On Tuesday I went to a Town Hall held by my local congressman Jim Moran and it was pandemonium. It was like being at a football game were fans from both teams were mixed together. I feel like a timeline is the best way to describe what happened so here goes:

Town Hall Timeline

6:20 pm I found a parking space, parked the car and started walking towards the school.

6:50 pm There was a long line to get in. Interns were screening people to make sure that everyone was in Jim Moran’s district. Various organizations from both sides were handing out propaganda. People were holding up signs for and against health care. Organizing for America was handing out signs to supporters of health care reform. The signs said “Health Care reform now” on one side and “Thank You” on the other.

7:00 pm I got inside the town hall and took a seat. It was a packed high school gym. It was a little hot on the floor and a little cool in the bleachers. There were a ton of cameras. Fox News, CNN, and a local TV station were at the town hall. There was a 20 foot projector screen set up and fold up chairs on the floor of the gym facing an elevated stage with a podium and a long table with chairs beside it.

7:05 pm Jim Moran and Howard Dean walk into jeers and cheers. It takes the crowd a while to settle down. Jim Moran sets some basic ground rules and receives some jeers and cheers. A rabbi was asked to pray and during the prayer there are jeers and cheers.

7:15 pm Jim Moran outlined the itinerary for the town hall. More jeers and cheers.

7:30 pm Jim Moran went over a list of 11 “Myths of Health Care Reform.” Describes many myths of reform and where in the bill they originated and what the bill really says.

8:15 pm Jim Moran introduces Howard Dean. Cheering and Jeering continues for about 7 or 8 minutes. People get on chairs and start shouting and screaming at Howard Dean, Jim Moran, and at each other. An anti-abortion activist stands on a chair and starts yelling insults and chants at the top of his lungs and this prohibits Jim Moran from proceeding with the Town Hall. A few of his followers and a health care reform supporter start shoving each other behind him. Jim Moran offers the activist the opportunity to speak for 5 minutes if he calms down but he refuses. Security escorts him out and the cameras follow him.

8:30 pm Howard Dean gives a brief statement during which there are loud jeers and cheers. Jim Moran explains the rules for the Q&A session. Questions that the town hall participants submitted when they were in line have been separated into boxes. One box is for questions from people who support reform and the other is from people who don’t support reform.

Jim Moran alternates boxes when he selects the questions. Jim Moran reads the beginning of the question and the name of the questioner then he asks the questioner to come to the microphone and finish their question. It starts off well but some anti-reformers start impersonating questioners and the crowd erupts into jeers and shouts. After about an hour of Q&A I leave the town hall.

A lot of the shouts were coming from the same people. Whenever it got quiet a few people just start shouting "catchphrases"

Here are some of the shouts I heard:

"Don't tread on me"

"No Communism"

"God will save America"

"Serve the constitution"

"Fire Pelosi"

"Tell that to Pelosi"

"Cut Taxes"

"Read the bill" (This is the one most often chanted, even after Jim Moran read the bill)

"You don't pay for it"

"Bull shit"

"Jim Moran Sucks"

"Medicare Sucks"

"Fuck You" (accompanied by double fisted birds)

and my personal favorite "Go Skins"

The sad part is that there were some great questions that were asked about Medicare and Tort reform but the hecklers managed to instigate a shouting match with the health care supporters and I don't think that anyone was able to hear Howard Dean's responses.

Here are some questions I heard and the answer that Howard Dean gave to the questions:

Q:How can we achieve universal health care without a public option?

Dean's answer : Only two countries in the world have universal health care without the government providing insurance. The countries are Switzerland and the Netherlands. They accomplish this by regulating health care like a common good, like water or electricity. They cap CEO salaries and cap the amount of money a person can spend on health care. They require all citizens to get health care.

Q: A lot of people believe that tort reform is the best way to reduce health care costs, why is there no tort reform in H.R. 3200?

Dean's answer: Because the trial lawyers would fight it and the bill already has too many enemies (Shockingly honest). He then suggested a compromise where the government would research and establish a National Advisory that would set a universal standard for medical practice. Then he went into a very detailed legal process through which doctors accused of malpractice would go through. He said that the people in congress he has presented the plan to did not like it.

Overall, it was an enlightening experience but it left me very discouraged about any future prospects for civil discourse on critical issues. Most people came to the town hall with their minds made up and they were primarily there to scream and yell in front of the TV cameras. The crowd was about 60-40 in favor of supporters but it only took a few anti-health care people to incite a screaming match with those in favor of reform.

I don't know why these Congressmen put up with the ruckus. Jim Moran set up good rules for the audience to follow but the rules weren't enforced when people broke them and that just led to chaos. The police should have the authority to escort hecklers out of town halls when they are being disruptive.

I am going to another town hall on the September 2nd and hopefully this one will be a little more civil but I am not hopeful. It is in a district that is much more evenly divided than my district which is more liberal ( I am going to use an old address to get in). I would like to see some progress on this debate because health care is an important issue. If you made it this far then you must really love me.


I forgot how amazingly well Lucas made Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I watched it tonight with my Dad and I noticed something about the ending that I didn't catch before.

There is a scene where both Anakin and Padme are receiving medical treatment for life threatening conditions. There are some obvious similarities between there state of beings, for instance, their conditions were brought about by unnatural circumstances and they were caused by people that were close to them.

What I didn't notice was that they were both birth and death scenes. With Padme it is easy to see Luke and Leigh were born and Padme died but with Vader it is a little more subtle. For one Lucas positions Anakin with his legs spread as if he is giving birth. He also cuts away from scenes of Anakin screaming in pain as his mechanical parts are being assembled to scenes of Padme screaming as she delivers the twins. He also cuts from the scene of Padme naming the twins and then subsequently dying to the scene where Vader puts on his infamous mask.

Contrary to what I previously surmised, Lucas defines this moment as the point where Anakin Skywalker dies and Darth Vader is born. The entire process of healing Vader looks more like someone fixing a car than it does someone being healed. He has become a machine and has lost all of his humanity and that is the biggest difference between Anakin and Vader.

Okay yea that was a bit too much thinking about Star Wars but I love the series and I love the how George Lucas uses extraordinary visuals devices scene to explore and express his view of the human condition and social order.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Low cost entertainment

The weather today was beautiful so I took a long walk to try and capture some of it. Walking is a great way to relax. In college I took them when I was overworked and stressed out. Now I take walks to develop and ponder various ideas.

One thing I noticed today was that there were a lot more people walking than I expected. The walkers seemed to mostly be couples talking, exploring, and growing together, a sight that evokes sweet envy to onlookers. I began to wonder if the recession reason for the increase in walkers. Hey, If the economic downturn does nothing other than draw us closer to our loved ones then it has been the blessing we all need.

Bush goes on vacation after 41% of the time during his first 6 months in office and no one cares.
Barack Obama goes on a week vacation after 6 months in office and all of the sudden he is elitist and insensitive.

In the first six months of his presidency Barack Obama has:
Signed the Stimulus Bill into law and stabilized the economy.
Stabilized the financial sector through TARP.
Signed into law a credit card owners bill of rights.
Closed Guantanamo Bay.
Initiated Health Care reform.
Began the process of rebuilding American support abroad.

I think that if the man wants to take a week long vacation with is family and friends that it is well deserved.

I still haven't seen Inglorious Basterds yet. I should have seen it last weekend but I was still in that movie watching funk. I did watch the end of Phantom Menace today with my Dad. He told me he had a bad feeling about the Star Wars franchise because when he was younger he went to see Star Wars: A New Hope in theaters and he got pickpocketed. How awesome an experience that would have been to see experience the novelty of a movie epic. Star Wars is literally the Citizen Kane of the latter half of the 20th century.

That generational disconnect reminded me of a moment when I was substitute teaching and I referenced Macaualy Culkin and none of the students knew who he was. I learned that most of the students had not heard of cassette tapes and floppy disks.

I am getting old...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weekend Update

For some reason, I don't know why, I have loathe getting up in the morning and having to go to church. I love my church and the people in it. My pastor is awesome and every Sunday he challenges the congregation and I to take our faith to the next level. I always leave inspired to live my life for Christ.

I probably need to focus on ways I can help people around me. This job search can be very self-absorbing.

We had the keeper league fantasy sports draft today and it was okay. As usual with fantasy you aren't really going to know how good your team is until the second week of the season. Then it will be a scramble to fill the holes in your teams lineup.

I planned on canvasing Saturday for John Bell but I went down to his headquarters and there was no one in the office. I couldn't even find canvas lists anywhere. I did get a slew of emails this weekend up events and fundraisers coming up in the month. I am still a little burned out with politics but I gotta keep chugging along.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A new approach

I need a job and I need one yesterday. I have had a few good interviews since I began the search but nothing that has "produced fruit" yet. They say the hardest thing about getting a job is getting your foot in the door and so far that is proving true. It seems like getting ahead these days is all about who you know.

Currently, my efforts have primarily focused on job searching but networking is a more important task for job seekers. This bothers me because when someone says "networking" I hear "patronage" and "nepotism". In my perfect world merit would weigh heavier in employers minds than anything else. Reality sucks.

I know I need to network more but I am not sure how. I usually do enough sucking up at job fairs to get a few email contacts but I have bled those sources dry and I am sure that I am not the only one sycophantically appealing to these employers. The terse, unsympathetic email rejections I get from contacts is probably indicative of someone fed up seeing dozens of job pleas in their inbox.There has to be something real out here. I want networking opportunities that don't include a cock fight to see who can kiss the most ass of people who don't want their ass kissed.

I have contacted the Georgia Tech Alumni Association and there are a lot of local graduates in this area. I am going to explore that path a little bit more and see where it leads. It is probably a resource I should have tapped a long time ago.

I saw Kite Runner for the first time tonight and it was a great movie. I remember not being in the mood to see it when it was initially released but I tell you what, that movie was a refreshing break from the mega-budget blockbuster epics that dominate summer cinema.

I guess that experience should be enough to motivate me to see the acclaimed Inglorious Basterds which I am not in the mood to see.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Town halls, cheetahs, and fantasy madness

This health care debate is becoming irritating. Right now I am sort of fed up with of all the people involved.

I am angry with the GOP for not doing anything.
I am sick of the Democrats inability to unify under a single plan.
I am disappointed the President hasn't been more hands on in shaping the bill.
I am disgusted by the idiots protesting at town halls who aren't interested in civil discourse.

With that being said health care reform is too important of an issue to ignore. Health care costs are rising and the future doesn't look bright. Reform is necessary, we can't ignore it.

I am going to a town hall meeting next month and I am going and I am going to record the debate if they let me. I am really hoping that the protesters allow the town hall to become a debate and not a shouting match. Hopefully I can post something that enlightens the debate and
debunks some of the bad information.

I just watched Usain "lightning" Bolt obliterate the world record in the 200m and I am convinced he is either a gazelle or an alien. His last 5 races have all been world records. Seriously people, he maybe the best short distance runner of all time. Apparently through his sponsors he gets 100,000 dollars for every record he breaks, which pretty much sucks for anyone he is racing against. Right now he doesn't look beatable.

My friend Andrew just discovered fantasy college football today. Needless to say, I officially have all my Saturday and Sunday afternoons booked until next year. We limited the draft pool to the BCS teams which should keep things semi-sane.