Saturday, September 12, 2009

soul splitting action

I had an interview last Thursday with Prince William County Public schools for a position as a teacher's assistant for severely impaired and handicapped children. I was apprehensive when the interviewer went over the job description but I it is an opportunity to have a consistent paycheck. That means I am on my way to saving money and going back to school. 

Since Space Odyssey 2001 many movies have taken advantage of the amazing impact HAL 9000 had on movie audiences 40 years ago. Recently many movies have given their evil robots the same cold single red eye that HAL had possessed. I think this really speaks to the ability of Sydney Pollack's remarkably effective creativity. 

Last night I saw 9, the movie about the poorly sown, hand puppet looking creatures fighting mysterious looking evil machines. In the movie, mankind is annihilated by the evil machines who turn on their creators a la the machines in the Terminator. The scientist that created the master machine with the big red eye split his soul into 9 parts and put them in the puppets. 

This afternoon, I saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for the first time. I have read the book so I am not unfamiliar with the plot line but I thought that it was interesting that both 9 and Half-Blood Prince both had plot elements dealing with the splitting of ones soul being split. 

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